Bottled Water Vs Filtered Water

Bottled Water Vs Filtered Water: Which Is Better for YoU

When it comes to choosing the best drinking water, we often find ourselves wondering: Is filtered water the same as bottled water? Which is better? Both can reduce contaminants, but there are significant differences to consider. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each

What is Filtered Water?

Filtered water is simply tap water that has been purified using a mechanical filter or membrane to remove common contaminants. Depending on the filtration system, it can eliminate impurities that affect the taste, smell, and overall quality of your water. As we mentioned in our previous blog post, some key benefits of filtered water include:

  • Health and Safety: Removes harmful chemicals and bacteria, making it safer to drink.
  • Better Taste: Filtration improves the flavour by removing chlorine, heavy metals, and other unpleasant substances.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to bottled water, filtered water is much cheaper in the long run.
  • Sustainability: Filtered water reduces plastic waste and the environmental impact associated with bottled water.

What is Bottled Water?

Bottled water is packaged in plastic or glass bottles and can be either still or carbonated. While it’s marketed as pure and safe, we often rely on manufacturers and labels to understand where the water comes from and how it’s treated. But the reality is, we can’t always be sure whether it’s just tap water in a bottle.

Where does bottled water come from?

Approximately 55% of bottled water is sourced from spring water, which is naturally sourced from underground springs or boreholes. The remaining 45% comes from tap water, which is purified and bottled for sale. Bottled water in Australia is often imported from various countries, which means it has to travel long distances—sometimes in extreme temperatures and weather-sensitive plastic, before it reaches your thirsty mouth

Who Regulates drinking Water?

In Australia, tap water is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which enforces over 250 strict guidelines to ensure its safety. However, the quality of tap water can still vary across different regions.

On the other hand, bottled water is regulated by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ). However, FSANZ does not have specific regulations for disinfection or quality control in bottled water, which means the level of treatment or purity can vary significantly between brands.

The Environmental Impact of Bottled Water

You might be aware of the plastic pollution caused by bottled water but the environmental impact goes much deeper. The production of bottled water involves significant energy use, water depletion, and chemical processes. Bottling, refrigerating, and transporting bottled water consumes large amounts of energy, contributing to its carbon footprint. And don’t forget—before bottling, the water often undergoes extensive treatment to remove contaminants, much like filtered water. This raises the question: is bottled water worth the environmental cost?

Why Filtered Water is Your Best Option


Filtered Water or Bottled Water – Which Is Better?

If you’re concerned about your health and the environment, filtered water is the clear winner. Both bottled and filtered water can provide clean, great-tasting water, but filtered water is far more cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

By investing in a water filter, you can enjoy high-quality, purified water from the tap, reducing your reliance on single-use plastic bottles. It’s also an easy way to ensure you’re giving your family the cleanest, healthiest water possible.

In general, when it comes to choosing the best water, filtered water is the better choice for both your health and the planet. Not only does it cost less and have a lower environmental impact, but it also gives you complete control over the quality of your drinking water. Plus, you can easily enjoy fresh, clean water every day without the need for plastic bottles. If Looking for an easy way to start drinking cleaner water. Check out our water filters options.


BPA stands for Bisphenol A. It’s an industrial chemical used in plastic production and commonly found in plastic water bottles. Research suggests that BPA can leach from containers into liquids. If it does, it can disrupt hormonal function in humans and impact brain development

According to the guardian Australia has the most expensive bottled water on the planet but that hasn’t curbed consumer thirst for something people can basically get for free.

On average, Australians each spent about $580 buying 504 litres of bottled water in 2021.

A spring is a place where water moving underground finds an opening to the land surface and emerges, sometimes as just a trickle, maybe only after a rain, and sometimes in a continuous flow. Spring water can also emerge from heated rock underground, giving rise to hot springs.

Stainless Steel – Many experts agree that stainless steel water bottles are the healthiest choice. Unlike plastic, they are highly sustainable and eco-friendly because of the longevity of the material. They also offer other benefits, such as being free from harmful chemicals and toxins.

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